
Verchères is a small municipality located in the Montérégie region of Quebec, Canada. This charming community is situated along the banks of the Saint Lawrence River, providing residents with scenic views and a riverside setting.

The municipality offers a mix of residential and rural areas, contributing to a tranquil and laid-back atmosphere. Residents of Verchères appreciate the small-town feel, with local businesses, parks, and community events enhancing the quality of life.

Verchères is well-connected to surrounding areas, providing convenient access to services and amenities. The Saint Lawrence River also contributes to the town’s appeal, offering opportunities for waterfront activities and scenic walks.

Source: ville.vercheres

Source: lareleve

Reasons to Live in Verchères

  • Tranquil Lifestyle

The town’s size and location contribute to a peaceful and relaxed lifestyle, making it an attractive option for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of larger urban centers.

This small town is known to be a fairly quiet municipality. Situated along the Saint Lawrence River, Verchères provides residents with picturesque views and the opportunity to enjoy waterfront activities. The natural beauty of the area can enhance the overall living experience.

  • Small-Town Charm

Verchères offers a small-town atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and neighborliness. This can be appealing to individuals who prefer a close-knit and friendly environment.

  • Close Proximity to Montreal

The town of Verchères offers a more serene living environment while still being relatively close to Montreal, allowing residents to easily access the amenities and job opportunities of a larger city.

Real Estate Statistics (Centris)

 Single-Family Home $457,000 (down 3% in the last 4 quarters)

Source: Wikipedia

Source: ville.vercheres

Verchères Quick Demographics (Centris)

Age, Income & Family Types


The average age in Verchères is 40 years old. 29% of the population is aged between 45 to 64 years old. 26% of the population is aged between 25 to 44 years old, making those the two largest age groups in Verchères.


The average household income in Verchères is $86,760. 31% of the population in Verchères have an income of less than $50,000. 22% of the population have an income between $50,000 and $80,000.

Family Types

Couples without children at home make up 44% while couples with children make up 43% of the population in Verchères. Single-parent families make up 13% of the population.

Languages Spoken

99% of the population in Verchères speaks French while only 1% of the population speaks English.