
Mercier is a suburban town located in the Roussillon Regional County Municipality in southwest Quebec, Canada. It is situated southwest of Montreal along the Châteauguay River.

Originally named Sainte-Philomène, Mercier was formally established in 1855. The original name was changed to Honoré Mercier in 1968 in remembrance of the 1887–1891 premier of Quebec.

Known for its rich history, vibrant community spirit, and scenic landscapes, Mercier offers a unique blend of rural tranquility and modern amenities. Situated in the southwestern part of Quebec, this city embodies the warmth of small-town living while being conveniently located near the dynamic urban centers of Montreal and the US-Canada border.

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Ville.Mercier

Reasons to Live in Mercier

  • Affordable Housing

Compared to larger urban areas, smaller towns like Mercier offer more affordable housing options, making it an attractive choice for those looking to buy a home.

  • Natural Beauty

Montérégie is known for its picturesque landscapes, and Mercier surely benefits from this! The city offers residents access to beautiful parks, green spaces, and many outdoor recreational opportunities.

  • Family-Friendly Environment

The strong sense of community and lower crime rates in smaller towns contribute to a family-friendly atmosphere, making it an appealing place for families to settle.

Real Estate Statistics (Centris)

 Single Family Home $502,000 (Down 1% in the last 4 quarters)

Source: Ville.Mercier

Source: Ville.Mercier

Mercier Quick Demographics

Age, Income & Family Types


The average age in Mercier is 38 years old. 27% of the population is aged between 45 to 64 years old. 26% of the population is aged between 25 to 44 years old, making those the two largest age groups in Mercier.


The average household income in Mercier is $94,287. 24% of the population have an income of less than $50,000 while 23% of the population have an income between $50,000 and $80,000.

Family Types

Couples without children at home make up 38% while couples with children make up 49% of the population in Mercier. Single-parent families make up 13% of the population.

Languages Spoken

91% of the population in Mercier speaks French while 7% of the population speaks English. Other languages heard around Mercier make up only 2%.