
Léry, nestled in the picturesque Montérégie region of Quebec, is a quaint and scenic town that beckons with its charm and natural beauty. Situated along the shores of Lake Saint-Louis, Léry offers residents a serene environment with stunning waterfront views and lush green spaces. With a history dating back to the 19th century, Léry has evolved into a peaceful residential community that harmoniously combines its historical roots with modern living. The town’s proximity to nature, community engagement, and accessibility to nearby urban centers make Léry an inviting destination for those seeking a tranquil yet well-connected lifestyle in Montérégie.

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Lery

Reasons to Live in Léry

  • Quality of Life

The combination of natural beauty, historical charm, community engagement, and convenient access to amenities contributes to a high overall quality of life in Léry.

  • Accessibility to Urban Centers

Despite its tranquil setting, Léry is conveniently located with access to nearby urban centers, providing residents with the best of both worlds—peaceful living and urban amenities.

  • Natural Beauty and Green Spaces

The town boasts lush green spaces, parks, and natural landscapes, creating a serene and aesthetically pleasing environment for residents to enjoy.

  • Proximity to Montreal

Léry’s location in the Montérégie region places it in close proximity to Montreal, allowing residents to easily access all of the offerings of the nearby city.

Léry Quick Demographics

Age, Income & Family Types


The average age in Léry is 44 years old. 34% of the population is aged between 45 to 64 years old. 21% of the population is aged between 25 to 44 years old, making those the two largest age groups in Léry.


The average household income in Léry is $98,368. 30% of the population have an income of less than $50,000 while 25% of the population have an income between $50,000 and $80,000.

Family Types

Couples without children at home make up 46% while couples with children make up 42% of the population in Léry. Single-parent families make up 12% of the population.

Languages Spoken

85% of the population in Léry speaks French while 14% of the population speak English. Other languages heard around Delson make up only 1%.