Saint-Philippe is a lovely municipality in Quebec, Canada, located in the beautiful region known as Montérégie. It offers a unique combination of natural beauty, communal warmth, and historical depth. This hamlet, nestled among lovely surroundings, offers people a calm setting and a close-knit community.
The town fosters a strong sense of community, promoting engagement among residents. Local events, festivals, and communal activities contribute to a friendly atmosphere.
Compared to larger urban centers, living in Saint-Philippe is much more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for cost-effective housing and living expenses.
This town offers many opportunities for outdoor activities, such as parks, hiking trails, or sports facilities, catering to individuals who enjoy an active lifestyle.
Residents of Saint-Philippe can enjoy easy access to the cultural, economic, and recreational amenities of a large metropolitan center while avoiding the daily hustle and bustle of city life.
Single Family Home | $539,000 (down 4% in the last 4 quarters) |
The average age in Saint-Philippe is 38 years old. 28% of the population is aged between 45 to 64 years old. 30% of the population is aged between 25 to 44 years old, making those the two largest age groups in Saint-Philippe.
The average household income in Saint-Philippe is $88,798. 25% of the population have an income of less than $50,000 while 25% of the population have an income between $50,000 and $80,000.
Couples without children at home make up 43% while couples with children make up 43% of the population in Saint-Philippe. Single-parent families make up 14% of the population.
95% of the population in Saint-Philippe speaks French while 3% of the population speaks English. Other languages heard around Saint-Philippe make up only 2%.